Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Hard Spanish Surfaces

I remember when Charlie started to crawl at the very early age of 5 months that I was quite concerned about how his little knees and legs would find the hard floors that are so common in Spain. We have marble in our house and I had always assumed that would only be a concern when he started to walk, but of course crawling brings with it its own problems. Although Charlie's knees seemed to be fine, apart from the odd bruise from crawling over door frames some children do suffer. I did come across a rather unique product sometime ago for crawling babies, have a look at this:
what will they think up next! But I am sure it does help protect little ones.

If anything I found that the marble assisted Charlie crawling as he had less resistance than he would with a carpet, and certainly moved a lot faster! Good for him, not so great for me!!!

I made good use of those sponge squares that you can buy in packs on most supermarkets or toy stores. We used these are doorways where there was step or change of level so if he fell he had a soft landing, as well as simply setting out a big square in the room with his toys which was a little padded. They were great and inexpensive. The best things generally are!

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