Well plenty of women have done and have lived to tell the tale, but for any new mum is can be a very anxious time! I had lived in Spain 9 years before I fell pregnant for Charlie so you would think I wouldn't be worried about giving birth in Spain, but despite speaking the language Spain still feels like a foreign country to me and I did know that giving birth was quite different than what you can watch 24 hours a day now if you want to on Discovery Home and Health!
It is this fear that got me thinking about setting up a community to help people feeling the same way and so http://www.mumsinspain.com/ was born. You can read about other mum's birth experiences on there if you follow either one these links. Like everywhere there are always horror stories, but they are in the minority. It certainly is different here in Spain, but different doesn't necessarily mean worse.
It is this fear that got me thinking about setting up a community to help people feeling the same way and so http://www.mumsinspain.com/ was born. You can read about other mum's birth experiences on there if you follow either one these links. Like everywhere there are always horror stories, but they are in the minority. It certainly is different here in Spain, but different doesn't necessarily mean worse.
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