I appreciate that legally speaking you do not have to put your child in school until 6 years of age, but generally parents enroll their little ones for the school year that they turn 3. My little boy will be 3 in October, meaning that he will still only be 2 when he starts. As much as I know that this really is only "pre-school" it still makes me a little apprehensive that he is so young. Of course we do have a choice, but it is such a fine balancing act making these decisions for our children and you always wonder whether or not you are doing the right thing.
He has been going to nursery school for 6 months now and finally loves it. It was an up-hill struggle to get to that point! To his advantage a couple of his friends from nursery will be starting school at the same time as him so there will be a degree of continuity for him which he would miss out on if I delay him starting. The hours are 9-2pm, although for the first couple of weeks they do introduce them slowly starting with just 2 hours I think. Perhaps it is a case of trying him out and seeing how he adapts. Ultimately I can always pull him out if it really is the case that perhaps he isn't quite ready.
Monday, 17 August 2009
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Hi Claire,
Just to let you know that everything will be just fine and he will fit in fine.
My twins were in the same situation last year. Their birthday is end of November.
I have to say that last summer was a little stressful though as I literally put them through "baby boot camp" based on stories I heard about going to school and they were pushed into being fully toilet trained, able to get themselves dressed and undressed, and using a knife and fork properly.
That was pretty stressful because you really cannot push these things on children when they just arent ready for it.
But we got there. And yes, there were quite a few "accidents" regarding toilet training but the school was really nice about it. I used to send spare clothes in just in case which the teacher had said was OK to do although they can actually refuse. I also work near the school so I did often get phone calls from the dinner ladies, but again, when they realised they were only young, they were a lot more understanding.
As for learning to get themselves dressed and undressed, well on days they have sport they just going wearing their kit all day so I didnt need to go through that.
And as for eating with a knife and fork they were quite good also.
You will be amazed how well they adapt and fit in with all the other kids.
My twins have finished their first year at Infants School and are already learning their alphabet really well and my little boy can write his own name.
Try not to worry unduly. Be proud of your grown up little one! And just remember how they pick up on your emotions. I am sure you wont have to pull him out of the school until next year at all.
Good luck with it all.
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