Also for the trip there we spent some time sat at the airport where it was hard to entertain a crawling baby, plus we were restricted with space to pack toys so I took a bag of balloons. They take no space and will amuse them for ages. I inflated them partially when we were on the airplane so when they were popped they did not make a noise or wiss around all the other passengers heads!!!
Another great thing I packed was a set of stacking cubes, the ones that fit inside of each other. They were o
I tried without success to get a sunshade for Charlie's pushchair before we went although I did see one online in the UK but it was too late to order. I packed a cot white flat sheet and we used this when he was asleep in his pushchair to keep the sun off of him (he had block on him too as I think white cotton is factor 10) and help keep him cool.
Sunsuit, an absolute must! Makes life a lot easier and you are not worrying about having missed a bit with cream and that they might burn. Charlie is the same colour after 2 weeks in the Carribean sun as he was when we left! Healthy for him.
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